The Alam Sutera area in BSD is one of the most developed new cities in Tangerang and with the constant expansion of numerous malls, real estate properties, hospitals, international schools and campuses have made Alam Sutera one of the finest areas to find a wide selection of good local and international eateries.
Chef Yang in particular is a Chinese fast-food chain whose target market is predominately made up of students within the Alam Sutera vicinity. Their simple, fast but homely approach to food certainly makes them a target for the youngsters and those on limited budgets.
Their menu comprises of Chinese comfort food such as dim sum, stir-fried vegetables and meat and deep fried side dishes that are the common and much favoured dishes of students. Their combo meals are also great as you can get a proper meal with a bowl of white rice, all for under Rp30.000
From the a la carte menu, we definitely recommend you to try the Black Pepper Beef with their Sweet Honey Ginger chicken. But we reckon their best dish had to be the Szechuan Eggplant. The eggplant is cooked properly without being deep-fried and drenched in oil. Plus the slightly spicy sauce was also quite pleasing to the tastebuds.
They also provide ready-to-eat side dishes of fried cheese ravioli, spring rolls, shrimp bag and also a chicken corn pie, all of which are easy to grab and go. But before you do, don’t leave without trying their Boba Slush Bubble Tea with flavours of Long cha, soya bean, lychee, mocha and much more. It is a very refreshing drink on its own or with the meals.