评论在 True Aesthetic
发布由 amel s. 上 22 Aug 2015
Sy senang sekali melakukan fractional di true aesthetic, permasalahan di kulit wjah yg sy miliki yaitu byk scar yg kdang2 bkin ga PD dan harus menutupi dengan foundation, akhrnya dokter di true saranin buat treatment fractional 3x. Bru 2x treatment hsilnya scar di wjah mulai merapat, dan say goodbye sm foundatiom hehehe permukaan kulit jdi lebih halus, saat kontrol ke dokter, dokter jg menyarankan untuk mix dengan inject plasenta accupunture biar wajah jdi glowing, saat itu juga tnpa pikir pjg sy cobain, mmg sedikit sakit saat disuntik karena sy sndri jg penakut, tpi okelah buat cantik...2 hari kemudian byk teman yg bilang muka sya lebih bright, terima kasih dokter, 1bln lgi sy akan kembali melakukan treatment.
nanti setelah 3x perawatan sy akn upload foto selama perawatan ya...

评论在 True Aesthetic
发布由 siti a. 上 20 Aug 2015
Pertama kali mencoba treatment slimming di TRUE Aesthetic hasilnya sangat sangat memuaskan, treatment slimming di True disebut Go Ju Pa, saya mencoba treatment ini untuk mengecilkan dan mengencangkan tangan saya, juga untuk mengecilkan area pinggang dan perut saya. Sebelum melakukan treatment Go Ju Pa, beautician di sini pertama-tama mengukur lengan, pinggang dan perut saya terlebih dahulu, setelah it saya masuk ke kamar perawatan dan beautician mengoleskan krim di area-area tertentu yang ingin dikecilkan atau dikencangkan, lalu area tersebut dibungkus dengan semacam plastik wrap, lalu alat Go Ju Pa tersebut membakar lemak dan mengencangkan bagian-bagian badan saya. treatment ini sama sekali tidak sakit bahkan membuat saya relax dan hampir tertidur. Setelah treatment selesai lengan, pinggang, dan perut saya kembali diukur dan saya sangat terkejut dengan hasilnya karena lengan, pinggang, dan perut saya lansung mengecil sekitar 3 cm! Saya sangat puas dengan Go Ju Pa treatment ini. Saya sangat merekomendasikan treatment ini untuk orang yang ini mengecilkan dan mengencangkan bagian-bagian badannya, Selamat mencoba!
评论在 True Aesthetic
发布由 siti a. 上 19 Aug 2015
aku juga udh pernah kesana 2x aku juga baru tu ada website love indonesia dan true aesthetic ada disini. pertama kali aku cobain vitamin facial dan yang kedua kalinya aku cobain detox facial, klinik korea ini super recomended banget deh. apalagi tiap hari aku selalu naik motorga jadi jadi banyak kotoran polusi yang nempel di kulit muka meskipun tiap hari aku udh bersihin muka. selama 2x aku facial disini kulit berasa lebih smoth dan pori - pori juga ga jadi besar.cinta banget deh sama true aesthetic,
评论在 True Aesthetic
发布由 ayu k. 上 19 Aug 2015
minggu kemarin saat otw pulang kerumah dan melewati daerah senopati, ada neon box besar bertuliskan TRUE AESTHETIC, iseng" saya mampir.ternyata ini adalah klinik korea, yang mana ownernya sendiri dari korea, semua produk disini menggunakan produk asli dari korea. suasana kliniknya sangat homey dan hampir di setiap ruangan sangat wangi yang bikin rileks. karyawannya disini super duper ramah. pertama x datang saya consultasi dengan dokter, dan dokter bilang karena kulit saya banyak bekas jerawat jadi dia bilang harus di lakukan treatment yang namanya laser. berhubung saya ga punya waktu lama karena takut macet, jadi pertama kali saya coba facial whitening, disini banyak macem' facialnya tpi facial whitening bkin saya penasaran.. dan ternyata facial ini benar2 recomended banget, selain therapistnya yg ramah meraka juga jago bikin customernya sampai tidur pules banget lho....

gimana ga mau pules orang massage nya dilakuin sampe kaki, dan menariknya disini ga ada yang namanya pencet2 komedo sampe bikin air mata keluar, dia pake alat canggih dari korea yg bisa bersihin komedo tanpa rasa sakit biar pori2 di hidung ga makin besar...pokoknya love it banget deh untuk treatmentt pertama x disini, pastinya minggu depan aku mau datang lagi buat cobain laser nya. makasiy ya TRUE AESTHETIC sukses selalu ...

评论在 Habb Hair Gallery
发布由 Margaretha C. 上 15 Aug 2015
only suitable for guy (hair cut is good for guy)
never do perm here
I am very familiar with perm hair because I have done that every year, from digital perm, wave perm or even cold perm. This year, on July 2015, I was recommended to go to Habb Hair Galery in Mall Taman Anggrek by my cousin. There are few disappointments as below :
1. When I come into the saloon, the stylist not even checking the condition of my hair. Instead the staff directly wash my hair, in which I find it not so professional. Only after being washed, the stylist came and touched a bit here and there. I shared with him, my hair has been gone through from color, digital, cold perm etc. I told him, digital perm is the most suited procedure, cold perm is too weak. I show him some photo, but it seems that he doesn't really care, just continue straightly with the procedure (In this part, I am still okay with that because I assume maybe he s an expert and so I shut my mouth)
2. During the hair rolling procedure, I slowly feel strange, because the procedure seems to be cold perm, rather than digital perm. After I really sure that that is actually cold perm (no machine attached to my hair), I ask them politely, try to explain that "Digital perm" that the saloon claimed is actually the "cold perm" (rolling my hair and use the solution to curl the, no heat involved). However, they do not understand what is "cold perm" and keep insisting that the procedure that they did was actually still is "digital perm", but they don't want to use that machine claiming that the machine will spoil my hair -__- (then obviously it is not digital perm anymore).
3. Anyway it is too late, until the end, my hair is done, it is the worst perm I have ever been in this 5 years and no apology, nothing. Everyone in this saloon can see my hair actually turns like bird nest.
4. Pricing they charge Rp 1,500,000 (cold perm is supposed to be cheaper than digital perm), saloon very, whilst I checked their neighbor's saloon like Chandra, Irwan, they truly have the machine and charge more or less sameprice
1. When I come into the saloon, the stylist not even checking the condition of my hair. Instead the staff directly wash my hair, in which I find it not so professional. Only after being washed, the stylist came and touched a bit here and there. I shared with him, my hair has been gone through from color, digital, cold perm etc. I told him, digital perm is the most suited procedure, cold perm is too weak. I show him some photo, but it seems that he doesn't really care, just continue straightly with the procedure (In this part, I am still okay with that because I assume maybe he s an expert and so I shut my mouth)
2. During the hair rolling procedure, I slowly feel strange, because the procedure seems to be cold perm, rather than digital perm. After I really sure that that is actually cold perm (no machine attached to my hair), I ask them politely, try to explain that "Digital perm" that the saloon claimed is actually the "cold perm" (rolling my hair and use the solution to curl the, no heat involved). However, they do not understand what is "cold perm" and keep insisting that the procedure that they did was actually still is "digital perm", but they don't want to use that machine claiming that the machine will spoil my hair -__- (then obviously it is not digital perm anymore).
3. Anyway it is too late, until the end, my hair is done, it is the worst perm I have ever been in this 5 years and no apology, nothing. Everyone in this saloon can see my hair actually turns like bird nest.
4. Pricing they charge Rp 1,500,000 (cold perm is supposed to be cheaper than digital perm), saloon very, whilst I checked their neighbor's saloon like Chandra, Irwan, they truly have the machine and charge more or less sameprice
评论在 Asia Jaya Tas
发布由 Finita D. 上 24 Jul 2015
Jangan pernah berpikir untuk pesan tas di toko ini.
Pengerjaan telat 3 minggu dari yang sudah dijanjikan. Sudah bolak balik 4 kali masih belum selesai.
Setelah selesai ternyata sablonannya salah. Gagal total!!
Ketika di-complain malah yang punya toko marah marah balik dengan kata kata kasar khas kebun binatang.
Jangan pernah berurusan dengan toko ini ya... Ingat ingat!!
Pengerjaan telat 3 minggu dari yang sudah dijanjikan. Sudah bolak balik 4 kali masih belum selesai.
Setelah selesai ternyata sablonannya salah. Gagal total!!
Ketika di-complain malah yang punya toko marah marah balik dengan kata kata kasar khas kebun binatang.
Jangan pernah berurusan dengan toko ini ya... Ingat ingat!!
评论在 True Italy (Closed)
发布由 Ricky A. 上 20 Jul 2015
Faktor Harga Tidak Bisa Di-Tanding!
Tokonya hanya di Jakarta, coba ada di setiap kota...
TRUE ITALY adalah satu satunya toko Branded Italian Fashion, dengan harga sangat istimewa sekali. Produk ASLI, dengan harga SUPER DISKON. Produk dari closeout koleksi katalog tahun sebelumnya tersedia di TRUE ITALY dengan harga diskon habis habis-an. Tersedia semua jenis produk fashion Pria & Wanita.
TRUE ITALY juga menyediakan PARFUM merek terkenal dengan harga 35%-50% Off harga di Mall.
Belanja Bahagia Di TRUE ITALY!
TRUE ITALY juga menyediakan PARFUM merek terkenal dengan harga 35%-50% Off harga di Mall.
Belanja Bahagia Di TRUE ITALY!
评论在 Lomie Tua Thao
发布由 yanti w. 上 01 Jul 2015
Luo Mie Tua Thao is the worst restaurant I ever visited.
I came here and ordered 2 portions of “Luo Mie†, the specialty of this restaurant which I know from certain website, and 1 portion of “kwetiau Bagan†.The waiter came by and passed 4 small bowls on the table. Then a small cockroach came out from the bowl. The waitress saw it, but she just ignored it and went away.
Imagine, the later customers who sat beside me and ordered 2 dishes “Hai Som†and “mushroom or Hio Ko†had been finished eating, but the “Luo Mie†that I ordered was not yet ready.
There were many waiters but just went back and forth doing nothing.
So I went to cashier and would like to cancel the order, because my husband had finished eating the “kwetiau Bagan†and then the cashier went to the kitchen and suddenly there were 4 portions of “Luo Mie†came out. 2 portions were my order and the other 2 were the customers’ that just came in.
What a service !?
After that I came to cashier and paid all the order. The cashier, probably the owner, even couldn’t say “Thank You†or “Terima Kasihâ€. Then I told her the “service is badâ€
She was angry , so I replied “ I pay themâ€
Can you image what was her reply ?
“ if want to eat for free, just go to the funeral houseâ€
What a surprise !
Comparing the taste, the price, and time awaiting, RP 50.000/portion is not worth at all.
Think twice or three times…… if you guys would like to visit this restaurant with family or friends considering the hygiene, the services and the time wasting for the order.
I came here and ordered 2 portions of “Luo Mie†, the specialty of this restaurant which I know from certain website, and 1 portion of “kwetiau Bagan†.The waiter came by and passed 4 small bowls on the table. Then a small cockroach came out from the bowl. The waitress saw it, but she just ignored it and went away.
Imagine, the later customers who sat beside me and ordered 2 dishes “Hai Som†and “mushroom or Hio Ko†had been finished eating, but the “Luo Mie†that I ordered was not yet ready.
There were many waiters but just went back and forth doing nothing.
So I went to cashier and would like to cancel the order, because my husband had finished eating the “kwetiau Bagan†and then the cashier went to the kitchen and suddenly there were 4 portions of “Luo Mie†came out. 2 portions were my order and the other 2 were the customers’ that just came in.
What a service !?
After that I came to cashier and paid all the order. The cashier, probably the owner, even couldn’t say “Thank You†or “Terima Kasihâ€. Then I told her the “service is badâ€
She was angry , so I replied “ I pay themâ€
Can you image what was her reply ?
“ if want to eat for free, just go to the funeral houseâ€
What a surprise !
Comparing the taste, the price, and time awaiting, RP 50.000/portion is not worth at all.
Think twice or three times…… if you guys would like to visit this restaurant with family or friends considering the hygiene, the services and the time wasting for the order.
评论在 Rahmat Depot
发布由 Andre H. 上 30 Jun 2015
Rp. & Service
Sate kambing nya enak, daging nya selalu fresh hasil potongan tiap hari dan gule nya maknyus rempah2 dan bumbu nya pas rasanya. Tempat sederhana lumayan bersih, harga Rp.38rb per 10 tusuk sate kambing, Rp. 20rb per porsi gule nya, nasi putih 5rb. Agak mahal cuman di jamin puas bagi yang hobi kuliner sate dan gule kambing. Service agak lamban. Ada Sate ayam juga, tapi speciality nya kambing. 

评论在 Warung Sate Kambing H.M Harris
发布由 Yarith T. 上 09 Jun 2015
Sate Harris....makanannya enak, hampir 1 minggu sekali pasti ke sana sampai kejadian malam ini yg membuat saya jadi muak dengan tempat itu. Pelayan perempuan berjilbab bernama Ine? atau siapa....lupa namanya yg membuat saya tidak akan pernah ke sana lagi. Pasalnya baru selesai makan, tentunya butuh rest bentar. Tdk lama kemudian muncul si perempuan itu dan menarik semua piring bekas makan sambil ngomong "GANTIAN MAKANNYA" dgn nada yg kasar. Astaga....belum pernah mengalami hal seperti itu.....dah makan di pinggir jalan, pelayannya belagunya minta ampun.
评论在 Electronic Solution
发布由 Alvian S. 上 09 Jun 2015
Sebulan Lalu saya mengkomplain kerusakan produk mesin cuci LG Front Loading. Sampai sekarang belom ada respon tentang kerusakan mesin cuci yang saya beli tersebut oleh pihak electronic solution. Saya sudah menelpon pihak electronic beberapa kali tidak di angkat sama sekali sampai saya mendatang langsung ke outletnya yang di mall off indonesia dan hasilnya jawabannya kurang memuaskan dengan alasan belum ada penawaran dari pihak LG, sedangkan pihak LG sendiri sudah mengirimkan penawaran dengan pesan singkat ke nomor saya sudah mengajukan penawaran tersebut 4 hari yang lalu ke pihak elektronic solutian...klo pelayanannya bagini harusnya jgn pkai slogannya..Tidak takut lagi memikirkan barang rusak!! bahkan unit yg rusak DIGANTI BARU...alhasil hasil slogannya nihil tidak sesuai harapan

评论在 Blitzmegaplex - MOI
发布由 Ishika L. 上 05 Jun 2015
I love the place so much
add more Indian movie
I have watched many films in megablizt
it is so adorable and the place is also good and cold
it has variety of food to chose
I and my family and friends had a good time in megablizt MOI
it is so adorable and the place is also good and cold
it has variety of food to chose
I and my family and friends had a good time in megablizt MOI
评论在 Paramount Cantonese Restaurant
发布由 User Ga Penting 上 03 Jun 2015
porsi besar
agak mahal
Suasana resto bener2 chinese sekali, porsi makanan lumayan besar cukup untuk makan rame2 sama keluarga. Jangan pesen menu kebanyakan, nanti ga abis. 

评论在 Bakmi Toko Tiga
发布由 User Ga Penting 上 03 Jun 2015
Enak, harga pas di kantong
Tempat favorit untuk makan bersama keluarga, mi ayam spesial dan mi kangkung enak, patut dicoba. Selain mi, menu lainnya juga enak seperti kailan cah, kangkung cah, brokoli cah, nasi goreng, dll. Suasana nyaman. 

评论在 Bersih Sehat
发布由 the Cutieburbur 上 01 Jun 2015
Very clean place, professional therapist, free aromatherapy, free drink, complete bathroom amenities
My most favourite escape place to have my "me time" & relaxing day 
Place : very clean, tidy & very nice smell because of the aromatheraphy
Therapist : Usually I asked the senior one : very professional, give the right stroke & technique to the tired body area, very polite. After getting message done, usually they put warm towel and give a massage with that warm towel...hmm...so relaxing...
Facility : drinking water for free, free aromatheraphy (you can choose to mix together into the massage cream or use it with burner), bathroom (including cold & hot water, soap & shampoo, talcum powder, cotton bud, lotion, hair comb), free after massage drink (warm ginger or tea)
Overall, good price for a great service! Psst.. they sell Bersih Sehat voucher book which contains 10pcs voucher. Each voucher valids for 1 hour massage, cheaper than reguler price.
Note : better make a reservation first.
Surrounding facility : salon (after the massage, you can do creambath, manicure, pedicure, hair coloring, hair cut, etc) & Midori restaurant (good japanese restaurant)

Place : very clean, tidy & very nice smell because of the aromatheraphy
Therapist : Usually I asked the senior one : very professional, give the right stroke & technique to the tired body area, very polite. After getting message done, usually they put warm towel and give a massage with that warm towel...hmm...so relaxing...
Facility : drinking water for free, free aromatheraphy (you can choose to mix together into the massage cream or use it with burner), bathroom (including cold & hot water, soap & shampoo, talcum powder, cotton bud, lotion, hair comb), free after massage drink (warm ginger or tea)
Overall, good price for a great service! Psst.. they sell Bersih Sehat voucher book which contains 10pcs voucher. Each voucher valids for 1 hour massage, cheaper than reguler price.
Note : better make a reservation first.
Surrounding facility : salon (after the massage, you can do creambath, manicure, pedicure, hair coloring, hair cut, etc) & Midori restaurant (good japanese restaurant)
评论在 Melawai Optik
发布由 Maria P. 上 30 May 2015
Betul-betul ya ada pelayan laki-laki di situ yg mukanya jerawatan, poni kangen band, dengan kurang ajar brani ngetawain saya. optik melawai udah kekurangan dana ya make pelayan sampah kayak gitu?
评论在 Fitzroy GastroBar
发布由 Lisa B. 上 29 May 2015
gyu tan, food, drinks, music
small size, better to reserve before coming to get good sofa
I have tried the Gyu Tan at many places in jakarta but Fitzroy has the best! The interior is also cool and relaxed perfect for having drinks and maybe a little bit of partying on weekend!
Saya baru pertama kali mencoba makan di Resto Kyochon Casablanca, karena resto yang lain penuh di malam minggu ini. Pada awal masuk diinformasikan kalau ada promo CC Mandiri 15%. Tetapi pada saat membayar, manajer bilang hanya berlaku untuk food tidak termasuk minuman...lha... dimana2 kan pesan makan pasti pesan minum, kenapa tidak diinformasikan dari awal??? ketika saya bilang, tambah pesan saja spy bisa memenuhi minimal transaksi... eh kasirnya bilang sudah tidak bisa karena transaksi kartu sudah diinput dan diprint .. kalau dibatalkan akan berbulan2 untuk refund... wadeeeh... menyebalkan sekali... resto apa ini?
Rasanya lumayan, tapi pelayanannya sangat menyebalkan... kapok deh
Rasanya lumayan, tapi pelayanannya sangat menyebalkan... kapok deh
PLEASE BE CAUTION OF THIS BUYER. SCAMMER!!!!! I purchased 4 units of Panasonic CSN9RKP, but instead delivered and installed RKJ type which is cheaper then I originally purchased.
HATI-HATI !!!!! PENIPU!!!! TGL 29/04/15 SAYA pesen 4 units Panasonic CSN9RKP tapi di kirim yang RKJ. setelah di pasang saya baru tau dan orgnya ga mau bergantung jawab!!!!! HATI!!!!
HATI-HATI !!!!! PENIPU!!!! TGL 29/04/15 SAYA pesen 4 units Panasonic CSN9RKP tapi di kirim yang RKJ. setelah di pasang saya baru tau dan orgnya ga mau bergantung jawab!!!!! HATI!!!!