
Solaria Atrium Plaza
solaria senen raya
solaria senen
solaria jakarta
Atrium Plaza, 4th Floor #01
Jl. Senen Raya No. 135
, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia, 10410
类别: Restaurant
每人价格: < 100.000
着装要求: Casual
停车场位置: Parking Lot
付费方法: Cash, Debit Card, TapIzy
营业时间: Senin - Minggu 10:00 - 22:00


Solaria is best known for serving mainly favorite local dishes at a very competitive price. It is no surprise that this restaurant is adored by students and packed during lunch and dinner. Delicious dishes such as Nasi goreng, fried noodles and Cordon Bleu are just a few examples of what they have to offer. Anyone on a tight budget who is looking for a wholesome meal will not be disappointed with the servings at Solaria....

Solaria is best known for serving mainly favorite local dishes at a very competitive price. It is no surprise that this restaurant is adored by students and packed during lunch and dinner. Delicious dishes such as Nasi goreng, fried noodles and Cordon Bleu are just a few examples of what they have to offer. Anyone on a tight budget who is looking for a wholesome meal will not be disappointed with the servings at Solaria.

not good service

发布由 Evi V. 上 07 Jan 2015
Pertama kali makan di solaria atrium plaza sangat-sangat mengecewakan..
Semua karyawan tidak ada senyum,tidak ada sapa,tidak ada permisi..
Membuat suasana makan tidak nyaman
Kesan yang buruk untuk resto ternama..
Cukup sekali dan tidak akan kembali lagi.

[email protected]








评论在 Wilda Watch

发布由 iin p.
上 15 Feb 2021
langganan saya dari dulu
sebagai pemilik akun love indonesia, saya mau mereview toko ini. wah toko ini sih legenda ...