A sense of the colonial era is what you get when you first walk into Ragusa. Not what you would expect from an ice-cream parlor, but who would bother, if your only intention was to dig into a big scoop or more of the 'sinful' pleasure known as ice-cream. It is known to take away sorrow, probably because for a few seconds, the intense effect of brain freeze shrouds the mind of any decent functionality, thus, distracting you from all your worries. Not a scientific fact but you may be thanking us if it works.
Ragusa is often packed and many have to wait for a table as they are not equipped with enough room to accommodate the continuous flow of customers. However, seated customers do not stay long and usually leave after they are done. You will find the staples of any ice-cream parlor such as Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry or premium ones such as Rum Raisin and a variety of other blends. The most unique out of the lot is the the Spaghetti Ice Cream. Do not be dithered as this is simply ice-cream in the shape of spaghetti. Ragusa also serves a mean Banana Split, sweet banana and three scoops of ice cream (chocolate, vanilla and strawberry), drizzled with chocolate melt and nuts. The sweetness is absolutely perfect.
Focused on only serving ice-cream, Ragusa does not offer food or snacks and has maintained this tradition for years to the delight of generations of people who have flocked over since its early days. Definitely a must try for tourists as this place has a lot of history and stories to tell.

Saya paling suka minum Es Krim Rhum & Raisin; dengan ciri khas wangi Rhum yang kental ditambah dengan manis dan asemnya kismis. Wow rasanya sungguh menyegarkan.
Tapi sayang; saya tidak suka berlama-lama di resto ini karena sangat panas dan agak pengap (akibat tidak ada AC untuk mempertahankan nuansa tempo dulu). Namun rasanya kepanasan dan kepengapan akan segera hilang setelah menyantap Es Krim khas Ragusa.