Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi
mbah jingkrak setiabudi setiabudi tengah
mbah jingkrak setiabudi setiabudi
mbah jingkrak setiabudi jakarta
(021) 5290 - 6544
Mbah Jingkrak carries the atmosphere of an old house from the 50s. A lot of trees and beautifully decorated plants also make this place homey and comfy. The restaurant which looks small and narrow from the outside is actually filled with old wooden furniture and decorations inside. Dozens of ornaments are displayed and are hunged very nicely to complement the unique impression of the restaurant. Among them are old-school radio, caps, wayang, hand-fans, dolls, soaps even vinta...
Mbah Jingkrak carries the atmosphere of an old house from the 50s. A lot of trees and beautifully decorated plants also make this place homey and comfy. The restaurant which looks small and narrow from the outside is actually filled with old wooden furniture and decorations inside. Dozens of ornaments are displayed and are hunged very nicely to complement the unique impression of the restaurant. Among them are old-school radio, caps, wayang, hand-fans, dolls, soaps even vintage motor cycles from Ducati and many other brands that are coveted by collectors.
Arriving inside, visitors will be served with a welcome drink which is a typical Java beverage to warm the body. Then you notice the some 50 variations of the East Javanese dishes lined up in a pottery on a long table. Mbah Jingkrak can make a seat up to 220 people and is divided into different dining rooms. The outdoor dining area has gazeboes in the backyard where visitor can sit in to enjoy the food. There is also a pond with colorful balls floating about which in some way is a nice attraction. The atmosphere will be far more romantic if you are present in this area at night.
Be ready to face a sweating competition once you step into Mbah Jingkrak. We recommend ordering their signature killer spicy dishes called Ayam Rambut Setan. Savor that with a warm plate of red rice. The visitors are increasingly challenged by adding their signature sambal called Sambal Iblis to burn your tongue. These fresh and spicy flavors are causing some sort of addiction; although the tongue did not fail to feel the heat we couldn't stop chowing these killer dishes. For a slightly milder version, try Chicken Kawul and Chicken Wewe.
If you have absolutely no intention to go on a sweat-tongue burning-fest, a wholesome dish such as Rawon and Sapi Gendeng can be an alternative choice. Do not forget to order their triumphant Tempe Mendoan which has always been a favorite amongst loyal visitors. This dish is great especially when eaten with spicy soy sauce. You just can't get over it. For vegetables menu, we recommend trying Sayur Opor Daun Singkong, but hope you can make it before they run out.
To freshen up after the burning sensations from the main dishes, Mbah Jingkrak provides a collection of tempting beverages and dessert menu to cool down. They use many unique names coming from Indonesia mythological story such as Es Buaya Darat for a fresh and sweet treats, or Es Kolor Ijo with additional tape hijau to add some sour sensation.
Overall Mbah Jingkrak is a fantastic culinary adventure, where else can you be slapped by killer spicy flavors and then be completely refreshed with exciting desserts?
Arriving inside, visitors will be served with a welcome drink which is a typical Java beverage to warm the body. Then you notice the some 50 variations of the East Javanese dishes lined up in a pottery on a long table. Mbah Jingkrak can make a seat up to 220 people and is divided into different dining rooms. The outdoor dining area has gazeboes in the backyard where visitor can sit in to enjoy the food. There is also a pond with colorful balls floating about which in some way is a nice attraction. The atmosphere will be far more romantic if you are present in this area at night.
Be ready to face a sweating competition once you step into Mbah Jingkrak. We recommend ordering their signature killer spicy dishes called Ayam Rambut Setan. Savor that with a warm plate of red rice. The visitors are increasingly challenged by adding their signature sambal called Sambal Iblis to burn your tongue. These fresh and spicy flavors are causing some sort of addiction; although the tongue did not fail to feel the heat we couldn't stop chowing these killer dishes. For a slightly milder version, try Chicken Kawul and Chicken Wewe.
If you have absolutely no intention to go on a sweat-tongue burning-fest, a wholesome dish such as Rawon and Sapi Gendeng can be an alternative choice. Do not forget to order their triumphant Tempe Mendoan which has always been a favorite amongst loyal visitors. This dish is great especially when eaten with spicy soy sauce. You just can't get over it. For vegetables menu, we recommend trying Sayur Opor Daun Singkong, but hope you can make it before they run out.
To freshen up after the burning sensations from the main dishes, Mbah Jingkrak provides a collection of tempting beverages and dessert menu to cool down. They use many unique names coming from Indonesia mythological story such as Es Buaya Darat for a fresh and sweet treats, or Es Kolor Ijo with additional tape hijau to add some sour sensation.
Overall Mbah Jingkrak is a fantastic culinary adventure, where else can you be slapped by killer spicy flavors and then be completely refreshed with exciting desserts?
Bwt para penggemar makanan yg pedes2, nch tmpt hrs msk dlm dftr tmpt makan yg wajib dikunjungi. Hmpr semua masakannya hrs diksh two thumbs up! Yg pst sambal iblisnya itu mantap x..
Lahan parkir kurang n panas bgt klo lg rame walaupun mlm2. Maklumlah, Jkt panas.
Range hrg n rasa d atas rata2. Bwt yg sk wisata kuliner, tmpt ini hrs dikunjungi. Soal rasa, d cabangnya yg lain, rasa ttp sm kok.
Pertama kali coba makan di Warung Mbah Jingkrak, tepatnya di Jl. Veteran 1, Gambir.
Berhubung suasana hati lagi kepengen makan yang pedas2, jadinya mampir ke WMJ, suasana restaurant yang nyaman, seperti makan di rumah adat jawa gitu. Ada teko air terbuat dari kaleng berwarna hijau burik2 di setiap mejanya..
Mata langsung menuju ke meja yang menghidangkan sejumlah sayur2 khas jawa.. Dari tahu tempe, berbagai jenis ayam, tumisan sayur hijau, sambel2an...
Pelayan merekomendasikan untuk mencoba ayam rambut s****, dan sambal iblis yang rasanya itu pedas nian!
Saya bersama adik mencoba tahu tempe bacem, sayur lodeh, terong balado, ayam rambut s****, sambal iblis, dan nasi merah.
Wuah, rasa pedasnya itu benar2 mantap membuat keringat bercucuran...
Kepengen makan lagi di sana, ajak teman2 lainnya...
Pedasnya tiada tara deh! Apalagi si sambal iblis-nya
Berhubung suasana hati lagi kepengen makan yang pedas2, jadinya mampir ke WMJ, suasana restaurant yang nyaman, seperti makan di rumah adat jawa gitu. Ada teko air terbuat dari kaleng berwarna hijau burik2 di setiap mejanya..
Mata langsung menuju ke meja yang menghidangkan sejumlah sayur2 khas jawa.. Dari tahu tempe, berbagai jenis ayam, tumisan sayur hijau, sambel2an...
Pelayan merekomendasikan untuk mencoba ayam rambut s****, dan sambal iblis yang rasanya itu pedas nian!
Saya bersama adik mencoba tahu tempe bacem, sayur lodeh, terong balado, ayam rambut s****, sambal iblis, dan nasi merah.
Wuah, rasa pedasnya itu benar2 mantap membuat keringat bercucuran...
Kepengen makan lagi di sana, ajak teman2 lainnya...
Pedasnya tiada tara deh! Apalagi si sambal iblis-nya

salah satu resto makanan khas Jawa yang makanannya enak, pedas dan banyak variasinya.. tempatnya juga unik, ada pajangan2 yang unik dan antik.. favorit saya ayam rambut s**** dan brongkos... pedesnya, wow... tapi sayang, kalau ke Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi mesti sabar cari parkir mobil dari ujung sampai ke ujung lagi bolak-balik..