Bebek Kaleyo
Bebek muda cabe ijo
Bebek muda goreng

Bebek Kaleyo

bebek kaleyo lapangan ros
bebek kaleyo tebet
bebek kaleyo jakarta
Jl. Lapangan Ros No. 49
, Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Kategori: Restaurant
Masakan: Indonesia
Fitur: Keluarga
Harga per Orang: < 100.000
Kode Pakaian: Casual
Lokasi Parkir: Parking Lot
Jam Buka: Monday - Saturday 11:00 - 23:00, Sunday Closed

Ulasan Editorial

Every different region in Indonesia has their special way of cooking their delicious duck meat and the love of this fowl cannot be more evident than when you step into Bebek Kaleyo in Tebet, Jakarta. Oh by the way, that is IF you can actually walk in there.Located just before the Tebet railway station (you have to make a U turn) and a few hundred meters later you see the chaos that is solely the responsibility of Bebek Kaleyo along the main road. Motorcycles, cars and people ...

Every different region in Indonesia has their special way of cooking their delicious duck meat and the love of this fowl cannot be more evident than when you step into Bebek Kaleyo in Tebet, Jakarta. Oh by the way, that is IF you can actually walk in there.

Located just before the Tebet railway station (you have to make a U turn) and a few hundred meters later you see the chaos that is solely the responsibility of Bebek Kaleyo along the main road. Motorcycles, cars and people are trying to cram into this open space building to get a seat.

Near the counter, there are rows of cardboard lunch boxes stacked up for those who order takeaway and for the remaining whom insist on eating in the warm and sweaty environment, they sit and wait with their arms folded ever so patiently. Service is fast here and there is absolutely no mucking about. The place probably has a capacity to fit in 150 � 200 people and there are always no empty benches in sight.

Their Bebek Muda Cabe Ijo dish is one of the perpetrators that brands Bebek Kaleyo as the busiest duck restaurant in town. Unlike the Balineses Betutu, they succulently deep-fry the duck leg or breast and it is smothered in pounded homemade green chilies and with no fork and spoon on sight; you are expected to dig in using your hands. The generous portion and the very pleasing, typical traditional presentation of the duck, makes this dish even more appealing. After having a few bites of their duck, we realize that this is one of those foods that are bound to put an addictive spell on your taste buds. This can be dangerous. After the first few bites, you start to devour your duck in a very medieval way where you really do not care about what people think when you are sucking on the bones and making the slurp noises, after all, who are they to judge when they are very likely doing the same thing.

We seriously believe that the French with their Duck Confit has got nothing on the Indonesian Bebek Kaleyo!

Restaurant yang tidak nyaman, kotor, pelayanan jelek

Dikirim oleh sofia w. pada 01 Nov 2013
Gw baru kali ini pergi ke restaurant yang nggak kasih tissue di meja, even kl gw makan di warteg, tissue gulung aja ada.
Di bebek kaleyo bsd city - serpong ini, tissue cuma dikase selembar, ditaruh dibawah piring. Kalau butuh lagi, pelayan gebleknya suruh gw ambil sendiri di wastafel. Capeee dehhh..
Padahal omzet sebulan aja berapa.. masa untuk kase tissue di tiap meja aja rese.. ckckck.. tehh..tehhh.. yang bener aje.. lu orang kagak mikir ya, restaurant kagak ada tissue kaya elo orang kaga punya otak.
Rasa bebeknya sih biasa2 aja.. gw pernah makan yang di deket2 alsut, n rasanya lebih enak, nasinya jg nambah sepuasnya, sambalnya juga ngga pelit.
Rasa ya ok-lah, dr skala 1 - 10, paling gw kase 2.. pelayanannya donk, diperbaiki... sediain tissue, sambel jg jangan pelit... lu jual bebek seekor aja uda bisa beli rumah tau... mosyoollooohhhhh...

Bebek Kaleyo

Bebek Kaleyo

Bebek Kaleyo

Bebek Kaleyo

Bebek Kaleyo

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sebagai pemilik akun love indonesia, saya mau mereview toko ini. wah toko ini sih legenda ...